A London life - a new name, same blog.

I have changed the name of the blog. In the spirit of the new year, it was time for a change of name and a slight change of direction

A London life - a new name, same blog.
Shoreditch will never be forgotten.

I have changed the name of the blog, After Shoreditch...(www.aftershoreditch.co.uk) has been retired and replaced with A London life (www.alondonlife.co.uk).

I wanted to let you, my many, many readers. Firstly, that this has happened and secondly, the reasoning.

I mentioned in a post a couple of weeks ago I was considering it. After quite a lot of thought, I have decided its the right time. I was also very touched that a reader took the time to comment and give me their thoughts.

I liked the name After Shoreditch, it was right two years ago when I set this site up.  But realistically, most people don't know where Shoreditch is or what the name was trying to imply. Also, to an extent, although it was supposed to be positive, I think it can be read as a little negative.

So I have decided to change the name to something which is easier to understand and will allow me to move the site in the direction I want. Basically, this can be summed up as more positive :).

I hope that you continue to enjoy the site.

Ps. I am sending this out as an email. I don't intend to start a regular newsletter, as least for some time. But felt it would be helpful for the reader to have the site's new details.

All historic After Shoreditch links will continue to work.

Writing a blog - The above post is part of a series I am trying to write, recording the progress (or lack of) of setting up and writing the blog itself. Maybe that is a little self-indulgent. But it might help someone else, and I have actually been enjoying the process.