Rejection - Second place is not good enough

I have failed. Second place doesn't cut it

Rejection - Second place is not good enough
Photo by - - / Unsplash

Yesterday was not a good day. I found out I had not got a NED position on a board I wanted. They were very kind and explained that I had come second after three rounds. In some ways, that make it worse; what is even more upsetting is their feedback/criticism is entirely correct. I knew I'd messed up the interview even when I was doing it.

What has made me so upset is I didn't realise how much I wanted the role until I got through to the last interview; I only applied as an exercise.

I am sure I'll feel better soon, but for the sake of being more prepared and more relaxed, it is so upsetting.

I will try and outline it in more detail in the next post, but for now, I am going to wallow and maybe eat some cake.