A London life - Should I change the name of the blog?

Should I rename the blog, or is it just more procrastinating?

A London life - Should I change the name of the blog?
London - Where I was born and live (Lucas Davies / Unsplash)

It's clear that the critical issue about starting a blog is to write good posts and write them consistently. I know this; I have written about it in pretty much every post about writing this blog. I'm pretty convinced it's the only thing that matters.

Despite that, I continue to procrastinate and fiddle with the technical side.

Even worse, I am thinking about changing the name of the site. My idea is to rebrand the whole thing as A London Life. It's probably crazy, but I am not sure the current name really suits how the blog is going.

If anyone reads this, let me know your thoughts. If I am going to do it probably better to do it sooner than later.  

I am fully aware that A London Life is the title of a novel by Joyce about a disintegrating marriage. That might not be the best sign.

Update: Having thought about it for a few days, I have decided to take the plunge and change the name. It won't be overnight as there are quite a few technical aspects, I will write about these after it's done. I am going to use it as an excuse to refresh the entire site and also try and give it a more positive spin.

Writing a blog - The above post is part of a series I am trying to write, recording the progress (or lack of) of setting up and writing the blog itself. Maybe that is a little self-indulgent. But it might help someone else, and I have actually been enjoying the process.