Dad styling a little girl's hair - A bridge too far

Why do I find styling my daughters hair so hard

Dad styling a little girl's hair - A bridge too far
Photo by Juliane Liebermann / Unsplash

I do much of the child care as my partner has been so unwell.

Most people we know seem to get that. But others assume as I'm a bloke and older, all I do is take her out for a walk on the weekend, and that is why she is wearing crazy clothes etc.

And I know this is silly, but a kind of physical manifestation of the above is her hair. I've spent two years doing every morning shift; I'm great with nappies, feeding, and entertaining; I let her pick her clothes - hence the above. The one bit I can't do is her hair.

It's getting longer and longer. When I drop her at nursery, if she is lucky, she'll have a hair clip pinning it out of her eyes. When I pick her up, they have done something beautiful and effortless that looks great.

It shouldn't, but this upsets me. So pretty basic questions. Any advice on how to do little girls' hair without pulling it out or getting it tied up in what appear to be little torture devices.

I realise I should probably just let this one go. The staff at the nursery are lovey, and why shouldn't they do her hair…but!